Let our experts evaluate your waste collection needs

Let our experts evaluate your waste collection needs

About , Re Reldan, Reldan


We’re proud to be home to Asia’s first LEED Platinum-certified precious metals processing facility. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification represents ReReldan’s unwavering commitment to sustainability. The advanced processing facility in Hyderabad is designed and operated with high standards of energy efficiency, water use reduction, CO2 emissions reduction, and improved indoor environmental quality. This is a testament to our promise of integrating sustainable practices in every facet of our business.

Diverse Service Segments

Explore the sectors where Re Sustainability Reldan Refining’s prowess in refining truly shines, driving global change.
E-Scrap, Re Reldan, Reldan


Urban mining has never been more pivotal.


Urban mining has never been more pivotal. As electronic devices continue to evolve, so does the electronic scrap they generate.
E-Waste, Re Reldan, Reldan


E-waste isn't just waste—it's an opportunity.


E-waste isn't just waste—it's an opportunity. Re Sustainability Reldan Refining provides specialized solutions to handle the...
Industrial Waste, Re Reldan, Reldan

Industrial Waste

Manufacturing results in by-products.

Industrial Waste

Manufacturing processes inevitably result in by-products. But at Re Sustainability Reldan Refining, we see these not as waste, but as potential...

Why Partner With Us

Re Sustainability Reldan Refining is committed to upholding the highest standards of environmental stewardship. As the first LEED Platinum-certified precious metals processing facility in India, we are proud of our achievements in sustainable processing.

We believe in working towards achieving quality, environmental, health, and safety certifications and accreditations to meet the strictest industry standards. Our aim is to lead the way with innovative and sustainable processing technologies to ensure that our customers’ brands are protected, and they can have peace of mind.


Acre Compound


Sq. Ft. Facility Space


MT P/A processing capacity


kW of Renewable Solar Energy


E-Waste means electrical and electronic equipment, including solar photo-voltaic modules or panels or cells, whole or in part discarded as waste, as well as rejects from manufacturing, refurbishment and repair processes.

Under the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022, ‘Electrical and Electronic Equipment’ (EEE) means equipment which are dependent on electric current or electro-magnetic field in order to become functional and also the equipment for the generation, transfer and measurements of the electricity.

Yes, E-Waste contains hazardous substances such as Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Hexavalent Chromium, Polychlorinated Bi-phenyls (PCBs), Brominated Flame Retardants (BFR), etc.

The electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) have valuable materials and hazardous/toxics substances in their components. E-Waste can be considered as a resource that contains useful material of economic benefit for recovery of plastics, iron, glass, aluminum, copper and precious metals such as silver, gold, platinum, and palladium and lead, cadmium, mercury etc. However, at the same time presence of heavy metals (As, Cd, Hg, Pb etc.) and other toxic substances such as Polychlorinated Bi-phenyls (PCBs), etched chemicals, etc. may pose risk to health and environment during handling and recovery operations.



Phone No

+91 40-24446000

Official Location

Survey No: 684/1
HWMP, Dundigal Village
Medchal Dist.
Hyderabad, 500043
Telangana, India

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